Dec 5, 2009

Feng Shui: science or art?

((Escher: relativity))

The answer is—Both! Feng Shui is part science based on ecology, psychology, geomancy, meteorology, anthropology, sociology and parapsychology; but applying it correctly is an art.

The science of Feng Shui is applied in assessing how one's surrounding environment consciously and subconsciously impacts the mind. Feng Shui and Intuitive Living should be thought of as creating our optimal environment.  Today, we buy what is marketed to us; we buy tract homes and condos in small boxes. Even our interiors are designed with the latest trends rather than what we truly need.  We have lost our sense of understanding our environmental needs. 

In the past our ancestors situated towns near water sources and good land to grow crops, but now we are concerned with freeway access, commute time and schools. At the home level our ancestors designed for efficiency and use of materials available in the region. Today our homes ensure that our families are protected from intruders, that we have sufficient guest bedrooms, a living room and a family room, or they might be status symbols.  But at the root of it all our homes are areas that provide a comfortable environment for us to grow and thrive.

Practicing feng shui becomes an art when all the science principles are applied to a situation intuitively. You can put one hundred PhD scientists in a room to resolve a problem, but if they do not have an intuitive sense of the issue, the solution will never be reached.  That is why many of the greatest scientists were also considered amazingly intuitive in their solutions. 

You cannot find the right answer before first formulating the right question. And that is exactly where the art comes in.  Being able to formulate the question that is truly being asked by an environment and to reach, intuitively, the correct solution for you and your family. 


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