Oct 18, 2009

"An Optimist Sees the Opportunity in Every Difficulty"

So many of us are in a state of significant personal environmental re-arrangement due to the current economy.  We have had to change homes, change cars, change jobs, re-assess our lives etc.  Whether forced to by the global economic crisis or due to new opportunities that have come our way, we all seem to be in transition. 

Times of transition can be stressful or exciting.  It is up to you. Winston Churchill once said: A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.”

If you are planning on moving into a new home/office/car there are certain things you should take into consideration to make the transition as smooth as possible and as prosperous for you as possible.
1. First and foremost Lose Your Own Baggage:  enter the new space or opportunity with new born abandonment.  If you lost your home to foreclosure, enter your apartment with no resentment, starting a job that doesn’t require your expertise, consider a way of gaining new knowledge.  Whatever the change is accept it without looking back or being resentful for where you are now.  Embrace it.

2.  Clearing the baggage of the new space. Just as you need to lose your baggage, make sure you do not inherit the baggage of the previous owner  of your space.  Did the previous employee get fired and you are now sitting at their desk?  Is the house you were renting foreclosed on? Does the space feel ‘negative’ to you in anyway?  If so ‘clear’ the space.  To clear the space you need to Clean and Smudge.  Clean the space thoroughly then get rid of the negative energy by smudging.  Smudging is a technique considered "spiritual house cleaning" in which you use scent to rid the air of sha chi (negative energy). You can use sweet grass, sage, lavendar, even a candle or matches.

3. Accept the new space as yours and for your purpose. Whether you are in a house, office, car, apartment, trailer, motel room, room of a house, basement, doesn’t matter, make the space yours.  Add a bit of you to the area, your favorite scent, your favorite color, something cherished (why do you think small children carry their favorite blanket or teddy bear with them everywhere they go).  Find your teddy bear and bring it with you.

If you follow these steps any transition, whether you consider it a move up, a move sideways, or a move down will be done with an open heart and positive results.


Amy said...

I like it! So true about the teddy bear and blanket - I had both. Also reminds me that I need to decorate my new "cube" at work. :)

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