Aug 11, 2009

Sorry, I couldn't hear you, could you repeat that?

When we change our view of inanimate objects; when we realize that we are connected to everything around us; including our cars, homes, clothes, landscape, pets, scenery, art, etc. we start to learn to live intuitively. Once we become connected with our surroundings we begin to live in sync. And this may sound odd to some and maybe not so odd to others, but places, buildings and just general things begin to “speak” to us.

Please don’t stop reading at this point and think ‘okay I knew at some point she was going to show us how crazy she is’.

Think about it, how often have you said to your friend while you were shopping “I am not sure what I kind of ____ I am looking for, but I will know it when I see it.” Or “the minute my husband and I pulled up to the house for sale I knew we were home”. “ When I saw the wedding dress I knew it was the one”. These inanimate items speak to us. They yell, they scream, they say buy me, connect with me, use me, take me home. And when we hear it, when we really listen and appreciate what these items are saying to us, is when we respect our surroundings and our things and we get the maximum enjoyment from them.

One of the most important considerations in Intuitive Living is the age of the building you live in and how it has been treated. I try to envision myself as the building (yes I know the ‘crazy’ in me is coming out again). Am I old or young? Am I ugly and not been treated well or am I kept up? Do I embody happy memories or sad?

A young home should be treated like a young child. It will be more energetic, it is likely to have ailments that you were unaware of you, you will need to figure out what works and does not work with this house. An old home should be treated as an old person would be treated, gently. It will have seen many things happen within its walls, both happy and maybe sad. The pipes are old, the walls are thin but it has character and stories to tell us. When you appreciate your home as you would a child or a grandparent you will find that the minor mishaps in your household are just that ‘minor’.

Take care of your surroundings and they will take care of you. Become aware of your houses needs and the house will make sure your needs are met.


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