Jul 12, 2009

go with the flow

The world is constantly changing. With each breath you are another second older, with each step you are in a new location, the world around changes with every decision made by you and those around you. Intuitive living is the ability to recognize and adjust to the change as it happens. To accommodate for the change, you must adjust your surroundings. Non-movement during changing times will always create issues. Picture a river flowing. The water is constantly moving changing the shape of its banks and the material flowing within it. If a dam is built to hold back the river, this impediment may withstand for awhile but eventually the river will find a new course, either through eroding the dam, overflowing the dam, or going around the dam. Life is like a river and if we do not “go with the flow” our lives will slowly erode or reach a breaking point. Intuitive living will teach you how to identify the changes as they occur and how to adjust for these changes.


Amy said...

That makes total sense! I guess that's why I like to clean during a trasition! And throw stuff out?

Elyssa said...

exactly! and why we do 'spring cleaning' to transition from one season to another, just as we transition from one phase of our life to another. All our lives need some spring cleaning once in awhile.

Matthew | Polaris Rising said...

I liked Adyashanti who basically said enlightenment is a state of rest. That describes non-doing, non-effort awareness and action perfectly.

Elyssa said...

True Matthew, thanks for the post! A state of rest, non-doing, allows you to move with the river (the difference between floating and fighting the current). It is when we try to be the dam of the river that causes problems. I once saw a book called "How to do Nothing". The ironic thing was, it was a very long book . i half expected to open it and have it be blank pages but alas it was filled with many many words.

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